Copyright © JTAA REC Volleyball

Play hard. Play Fair. HaVe Fun.

"Winning is great, but winning with good sportsmanship is even better."

Jupiter Tequesta Youth Volleyball

About Us

Our Management Structure

Boards for other Sports

JTAA Executive Board

  Oversees all JTAA Sports

Jupiter Tequesta Youth Volleyball is a recreational volleyball program for both boys and girls in grades 2-12.  We are part of the Jupiter Tequesta Athletic Association (JTAA) that serves Jupiter/Tequesta, Florida and the surrounding areas.  We play both sand beach and indoor volleyball over two seasons in the fall and spring.

We also have a sister program named the Jupiter Elite that is for our more experienced travel players.

Would you like to join the committee?  We have lots of other available positions and always can use the help!  Send us an email.

JTAA Recreational Volleyball Board

Jupiter Elite

Volleyball Board