Copyright © JTAA REC Volleyball

Play hard. Play Fair. HaVe Fun.

"Winning is great, but winning with good sportsmanship is even better."

Jupiter Tequesta Youth Volleyball

Register now for the Spring 2025 Season 

Open until 2/7/25​​​​​

We play in five age groups for grades 2-12.  See Age Groups below for more info.

We always need volunteers, coaches, and assistant coaches.  Please consider joining our team.  It will be fun for the whole family!

The mission of our program is to provide recreation volleyball, competition, and fun to all participants in a relaxed, yet structured environment.  Keeping the thrill of competition within its limits and placing emphasis on having fun, good sportsmanship, and fair play among all teams and individuals are vital to our program.  
We serve Jupiter/Tequesta, Florida and the surrounding areas.

We are run 100% by volunteers.  Thank you to all that volunteered as Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Volunteers in the past. We need you to come back each season to help keep the program growing.

Thank you to all our 2024 Fall Season Sponsors!

For a list of sponsor, click HERE.